Extensive review Swingspeed radar/ tempo timer at golfgearreview.com
Reviewed by Don Fisher at golfgearreview.com.
Conclusion: this is a first class product, one that works and does what it was designed to do. It’s easy to use, it’s small and light weight, and it’s easy to take with you to the range. It comes in a handy nylon carry pouch, that will clip onto your golf bag or belt. If you’re serious about improving your golf game, I’d recommend you look into getting the SWING SPEED RADAR./ TEMPO TIMER soon.
Read the full article here (in English).
Review Swingspeed radar by Brent Kelly of about.com, (golf.about.com)
"Golfers can use the Swing Speed Radar to dial down their swing, identifying a speed that offers better control"
Read the full article here (in English).

Tir à l'arc
Test Arrowspeed in German Archery Magazine
Review of the Arrowspeed Radarchron in the German Archery Magazine "Traditionel Bogenschiessen"
"It is small, light and handy and when it is mounted on the bow you cannot accidentally 'shoot' it."
Read the full article (german).

Review Kickspeed Radar Soccer in Coaching International
Article about the Kickspeed radar in Soccer Coaching International, "The Kickspeed radar: A great tool to improve your shot".
Read the full article here (in English).

Glove Radar Review on Fastpitch blog
The glove radar was reviewed on fastpitchfever.blogspot.com:
"Glove Radar is a simple-to-use radar device that attaches to the back of your glove and measures the incoming speed of a baseball or softball."
Read the full article here (in English).